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What’s the FIRST Thing Janitorial Sales Reps Should Do After a Bid Walk-through?

Run back to the office and take a break, right? Wrong. It’s tempting though, we know, after a long, detailed janitorial bid walk-through, you can be exhausted – mentally and physically. But, there is one thing SO important to do, that it just can’t wait until the next day. Watch this fast paced video where Dan will reveal what that one thing is, and why it could make the difference between you getting the cleaning job or not.

Before you’re done watching this video episode you’ll know the one thing you SHOULD to do immediately after your building walk-through. The good news is it’s pretty darn easy to do – but only if you don’t procrastinate and put it off.

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Thanks for watching our video What’s the FIRST Thing Janitorial Sales Reps Should Do After a Bid Walk-through? But don’t stop thereBe sure to check out our video: Should Janitorial Salespeople LOVE Highly Profitable Accts?

Plus, we hope you continue to check out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably. You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable. Want to flip yours?

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