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Tenacity vs Timing in Selling Cleaning

Nothing wrong with a cleaning business owner having the tenacity to overcome objections during the sales process –nothing at all. However, a bit of good timing can go a long way, and if the tenacious salesperson asks more questions up front – prior to delivering the janitorial cleaning proposal, things may go even smoother

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan explains how strategically learning more information earlier in the selling process can identify and overcome potential objections prior to everyone sitting down to review the cleaning bid.

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Thanks for watching our video, Tenacity vs Timing in Selling Cleaning, but don’t stop there, be sure to check out our video: Is Your Cleaning Conversation Appropriate?, where Dan discusses an interesting, but seldom discussed topic – the importance of having the tone and content of your conversations with prospects and customers match the level of your relationship with them

Plus, we hope you continue to check out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably. You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable. Want to flip yours?

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