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Sweat the Small Stuff in Your Cleaning Business

It’s great when someone’s academic research can give valuable insight and help to real people in real situations.  This is one of those times. Whether it be HR or operational issues today’s topic provides a practical strategy cleaning companies can use to fix things that are broken and make things that are working already – work even better.  And, the great part is –it’s based on common sense.

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan shares a theory that’s been used in situations ranging from cleaning up a city to improving the quality of education in schools.  The great part is – it’s based on common sense.  And, Dan provides two practical examples in the janitorial business.

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Thanks for watching our video – How the Broken Windows Theory Can Help Your Cleaning Business, but don’t stop there, be sure to check out our video: Message and Frequency: Why You Need Both in Marketing Your Cleaning Business, where Dan explains the TWO big reasons why frequency is important in marketing. Plus, he’ll reveal the super-effective ‘Soap Opera’ effect and how it can be valuable as a marketing strategy in the cleaning business.

Plus, we hope you continue to check out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably. You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable. Want to flip yours?

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