Cleaning Business Tip: What People – Really – Appreciate
Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.
Money? Training? Feedback? Sure, but here’s something that may be as or more impactful.
Check out today’s fast paced video, where Dan shares two real stories that demonstrate the power of what really seems to connect with people, and it’s often not a question of spending more money – but rather – spending more time – to be aware of what others really need or would value.

Thanks for watching our video Cleaning Business Tip: What People Really Appreciate and be sure to listen to, Cleaning Business Tip: 2 Hrs? 1? where Dan suggests a time commitment that can be a game- changing for a cleaning company choosing to commit it.
Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably. You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable. Want to flip yours?
2022-03-29 18:55:58
Dan, great job the little things people remember like shinny shoes or the Rolex I'm wearing vs a clients similar watch or the Cartier pen a client notices, clients see your different than the competitors. Even if a client has something unique, you want it and you work to achieve it, you buy it and then they noticed you with it. It can say two things, one the client feel he's paying you too much or you have class. Anyway its a good reminder on your point, thanks
2022-03-30 05:32:29
Thanks Scott, wishing you all the best, Dan
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