Cleaning Business Tip: Comfortable with Confusion

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

What ends up being easy, simple and delightful often starts out – hard, complicated and confusing.   

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan describes the various follow up emails/steps you should look at not only having – but automating – in your cleaning business.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Comfortable with Confusion and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: AUTOMATE Follow Up where Dan strongly encourages you to get your follow up messages when you get the opportunity to bid – automated!

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

Do you have a system in place to deliver professional follow up messages to your prospects thanking them for giving you the opportunity to bid, for arranging a walkthrough with you, as well as after delivering your proposal and then at other important points (week later, month later) to ‘check in, ask if they have any questions and keep in touch?   

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan describes the various follow up emails/steps you should look at not only having – but automating – in your cleaning business.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Do This BEFORE Sending Price Increase and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: Do This BEFORE Sending Price Increase Letter where Dan explains something ‘to check’ before you ‘put through’ a price increase.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

Best wording for a price increase letter? How much to increase price? Should I send an annual increase? You hear these questions a lot -but, you don’t hear THIS question often enough.

Check out today’s fast paced video Cleaning Business Tip: Do This BEFORE Sending Price Increase Letter where Dan explains something ‘to check’ before you ‘put through’ a price increase.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Do This BEFORE Sending Price Increase and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: Listen for THESE Rare Responses where Dan identifies the rare responses, he and his business partner Tony listened for.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

Maybe it’s social media, maybe it’s just human nature.  But, have you ever noticed how rare it can seem to hear people actually admit their mistakes, admit their mistakes or apologize?

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan identifies the rare responses he and his business partner Tony listened for.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Listen for THESE Rare Responses and be sure to check out  Cleaning Business Tip: Farming YOU Need where Dan explains how real cleaning businesses that get real results – repeatedly – do this one thing.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

One notable example of successful implementation in this competitive landscape is seen in cleaning companies like cleaner Perth. Known for their expertise and reliability in the field, companies such as these leverage advanced technologies and industry best practices to deliver exceptional service.

By staying ahead with innovative tools and client-centric approaches, Cleaner Perth exemplifies how strategic management and a commitment to quality can drive success in the cleaning service sector.

Implementing Dan’s recommended practices for efficient management and strategic growth empowers cleaning businesses not only to excel in competitive markets but also to establish themselves as trusted partners dedicated to maintaining clean and healthy environments for their clients.

Ok, farming may not be as exciting as say crypto-currency, but it may be just what you need.

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan explains how real cleaning businesses that get real results – repeatedly – do this one thing.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Farming YOU Need and be sure to check out  Cleaning Business Tip: Building and EMPIRE? where Dan explains why in spite of what you hear on social media from enthusiastic entrepreneurs, it’s often qualities unlike an ‘emperor’ that build profitable, meaningful, lasting cleaning companies.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

It sounds exciting – owning a cleaning EMPIRE. But, is it, and is an EMPIRE mindset that one that will best lead to growing a successful company with happy cleaners, managers and customers for most cleaning business owners?

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan explains why in spite of what you hear on social media from enthusiastic entrepreneurs, it’s often qualities unlike an ‘emperor’ that build profitable, meaningful, lasting cleaning companies.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Building an EMPIRE? and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: Call? Visit? where Dan explains the value of two activities that you may have thought outdated, like, say, a typewriter. Well, not so fast

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

You worry.  It’s understandable. You want your interactions with prospects to be positive and productive. But worrying too much about saying the exact right thing is often un-necessary.

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan explains why there’s something equally, if not, more important than the words you say, that can make your visits with prospects go well, and with less worry.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Magic Words for Prospecting? and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: Call? Visit? where Dan explains the value of two activities that you may have thought outdated, like, say, a typewriter. Well, not so fast

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

Has ‘making a phone call’ and ‘paying an in person visit’ lost their relevance, value and place in putting together an effective marketing strategy today?

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan explains the value of two activities that you may have thought outdated, like, say, a typewriter. Well, not so fast.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Call? Visit? and be sure to check out Check out today’s fast paced video Cleaning Business Tip:  10 Calls or 10 Marketing Pieces where Dan explains the value of focusing on what you can control, and letting go of what you can’t.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

There are many things, big things, that we worry about.  But, that are out of our control.  Yet, we often miss out on taking action on – the things that are within our control. Therein lies the opportunity.

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan explains the value of focusing on what you can control, and letting go of what you can’t.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: 10 Calls or 10 Marketing Pieces and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: Say the Connecting Thing vs Distancing Thing where Dan talks about the power of what we say and the opportunities to wisely use it in trying to build relationships of trust with prospects, customers and employees.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable, in these videos.

Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and inspection software – to proven marketing, selling and profit strategies to help you grow.

We often have many opportunities each day to say things when talking to clients and employees that can help us improve our relationship with them, and build trust. But, it’s often not the standard response you may first think of.

Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan talks about the power of what we say and the opportunities to wisely use it in trying to build relationships of trust with prospects, customers and employees.

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Thanks for watching our video, Cleaning Business Tip: Say the Connecting Thing vs Distancing Thing and be sure to check out Cleaning Business Tip: Know THIS for Upcoming Jobs, THESE for Active where talks about 2 key numbers to keep profitable jobs, profitable.

Plus, we hope you continue to watch out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?


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